Career Champion Network

Access CSP’s Career Champion Network!

The Career Champion Network (CCN) is a directory (“the network”) that connects you to CSP faculty, staff, and alumni who are eager to exchange career insights and information.

Consider using the CCN in the following ways:

  • Search for CSP Career Champions by major, job title, and location.
  • Gain insights to launch or advance your career.
  • Explore career interests and discover new possibilities.
  • Learn about the expected skills and experiences needed in your chosen career.
  • Connect with a potential speaker for your classroom, club, or organization.

We are excited you are interested in becoming a CSP Career Champion. Click HERE to learn more and register!

We are excited you are ready to use CSP’s Career Champion Network. Before you get started, please review and abide by the following terms of use:

  • I understand that the individuals listed on CSP’s Career Champion Network are alumni, staff, and/or faculty of CSP. Each person listed is volunteering their time and is willing to share their unique perspective on their time at CSP and after.
  • I will be respectful in my interactions when interacting with those listed in the Career Champion Network.
  • I will not share contact information with people outside of the CSP community.

We are continuously working to improve the Career Champion Network and invite feedback or questions users may have.

Feel free to email our Career Champion Coordinator, Emma McDowell at